Here's The Story...

Petite Mariée Boutique began in 2021. But it probably actually began in 1998 when I saw the movie “The Parent Trap” with Lindsay Lohan. You know that scene when the incredibly cool Elizabeth James takes Annie to a bridal photo shoot in London? I was captivated. I saw it and thought, “I’m going to do that when I grow up.”

Throughout my 20s I worked as a stylist, manager, and buyer in the bridal fashion industry before becoming a stay-at-home mom. But shortly after my daughter was born, I realized two very important things - I realized that I wanted my daughter to become a woman who wasn’t afraid of taking risks, dreaming big, failing, or loudly using her voice. I also realized I should probably become that woman myself so she can see exactly what it looks like.

Just a few months after my daughter was born, I started Petite Mariée Boutique during one of her naptimes. It began as a small online boutique selling flower crowns to flower girls. But I just couldn’t stay away from the world of bridal fashion. A whirlwind few years later, there are now thousands of brides across the country – and a few in Canada! – who have walked down the aisle wearing Petite Mariée accessories.

Petite Mariée seeks to provide brides with unique accessories that are on the cutting-edge of current trends. That's why every collection is carefully curated to align with what's "next" in bridal fashion. Most importantly, Petite Mariée is a small business that deeply cares about every single one of our brides. Every item is carefully created, every purchase is lovingly packaged, and every bow is tied by hand at my design studio in Austin, Texas.